New REES Publications!

REES Director, Professor Christopher J Gerry, has recently had two important articles published in top Social Science journals (both Open Access – see links below). The most recent is one of the first studies to try to understand how Russians respond to survey questions about their health, providing the first evidence that their responses are not only influenced by their individual characteristics but also by the regional socioeconomic circumstances in which they live. The paper proposes a number of psychological mechanisms through which this effect may operate. The second paper, again focusing on Russia, contributes to the discussion around moral hazard associated with private health insurance (that is, whether or not Russians change their health behaviours when provided with insurance). It is one of relatively few papers to provide evidence of ex-ante moral hazard. These papers represent a small part of a much wider body of research related to health, welfare and population attitudes in Russia.

Professor Gerry will be presenting his latest work on ‘The Politics of COVID-19 and Blame Attribution in Russia’ (with Professors Chaisty and Whitefield) in Oxford on March 1st.

chris gerry


How Self-Rated is Self-Rated Health? Exploring the Role of Individual and Institutional Factors in Reporting Heterogeneity in Russia. Social Indicators Research (2021) (with Baidan and Kaneva) can be accessed here.


Voluntary private health insurance, health-related behaviours and health outcomes: evidence from Russia (2020) European Journal of Health Economics (with Aistov and Aleksandrova) can be accessed here.