Dr Anna Wilson of REES and IMCC has published in co-authorship two articles

Dr Anna Wilson of REES and IMCC has published in co-authorship two articles in conference proceedings as follows:

Uhrig, P., Payne, E., Pavlova, I., Burenko, I., Dykes, N., Baltazani, M., Burrows, E., Hale, S., Torr, P., and Wilson, A. (2023). Studying time conceptualisation via speech, prosody, and hand gesture: Interweaving manual and computational methods of analysis. In W. Pouw, J. Trujillo, H. R. Bosker, L. Drijvers, M. Hoetjes, J. Holler, et al. (Eds.), Gesture and Speech in Interaction (GeSpIn) Conference. doi:10.17617/2.3527220.

Dykes, N., Wilson, A., Uhrig, P. (2023). A Pipeline for the Creation of Multimodal Corpora from YouTube Videos. Proceedings of Linguistic Insights from and for Multimodal Language Processing (LIMO 2023) at KONVENS, Ingolstadt. ACL Anthology. 


All three articles are in the open access meaning that those who want can access them without payment.