Dr Anna Wilson
REES Head of Language Studies and Teaching Fellow & Director of the International Multimodal Communication Centre (OSGA)
I am engaged in research in the fields of cognitive linguistics, media linguistics, critical discourse analysis, multimodal communication analysis of Russian and international media. My interests range from viewpoint construction in media discourse and multimodal communication, analysis of co-speech gesture, metaphor, counter-factuality and parody to the use of cognitive linguistic methods in interdisciplinary research and interdisciplinary learning in social sciences and humanities.
Recent Research and Networking Projects:
- 2022–2024: World Futures: Multimodal Viewpoint Construction by Russian International Media (funded by AHRC and DFG: UK-German Funding Initiative in the Humanities: £622,000)
- 2021-2023: International Multimodal Communication Collaboration (funded by the John Fell OUP Research Fund: £30,000)
- 2021: Depictions of Post-COVID-19 Futures in Russian International Media: Multimodal Viewpoint Analysis (funded by UKRI, Strategic Priorities Fund, University of Oxford: £30,000)
- 2019-2021: International Multimodal Communication Centre (funded by the external grant of £70,000)
- 2018-2019: OPEN Project: Russian and International Media, funded by the grant of £52,000, including OPEN (HEIF) grant of £25,000
Contact Information
Email: anna.wilson@area.ox.ac.uk
Selected Publications
- Wilson, A. (2020) ‘It’s time to do news again’, Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik 68.4 (Nov 2020): Special Issue: Multimodal Research in Linguistics/ Guest Editor: Peter Uhrig, pp. 379-409
- Steen, Francis, Cristóbal Pagán Cánovas, Anders Hougaard, Jungseock Joo, Inés Olza, Anna Pleshakova, Soumya Ray, Peter Uhrig, Javier Valenzuela, Jacek Woźny, & Mark Turner. (2018) Toward an Infrastructure for Data-driven Multimodal Communication Research. Linguistics Vanguard: A Multimodal Journal for the Language Sciences. Volume 4, Issue DeGruyter. https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/lingvan.2018.4.issue-1/lingvan-2017-0041/lingvan-2017-0041.xml?format=INT
- Pleshakova, A. (2018). Cognitive Approaches: Media, Mind, and Culture. In C. Cotter and D. Perrin (eds.) The Routledge Handbook on Language and Media. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 77-93.
- Pleshakova, A. (2016). Meta-parody in contemporary Russian media: viewpoint blending behind Dmitry Bykov’s 2009 poem “Infectious”. Lege Artis. Language yesterday, today, tomorrow. Vol. 1, issue 1, June 2016, pp. 202-274. De Gruyter Open. Available at https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/lart.2016.1.issue-1/issue-files/lart.2016.1.issue-1.xml
- Pleshakova, A. (2014), Strike, Accident, Risk, and Counterfactuality: Hidden Meanings of the Post-Soviet Russian News Discourse of the Nineties via Conceptual Blending. Language and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Language and Cognitive Science. Vol. 6, issue 3, September 2014, pp. 301-306. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Pleshakova, A. (2010), Werewolves in Epaulettes, in: F. Parril, V. Tobin, M. Turner (eds.). ‘Meaning, Form, and Body’. CSLI, Stanford. 2010.