CONFERENCE Reforming capitalism, going digital and green: Does Japan hold answers?

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Join us for a two-day conference that brings together great minds from across the business, political, and academic spheres to discuss the future of Japan and beyond. There will be free talks and networking opportunities across both days. 

Calls for the reform of capitalism have grown louder in recent years.  In 2021 Japan’s incoming Prime Minister Kishida Fumio called for Japan to adopt a ‘new form of capitalism’ with four priority areas: people; science, technology and innovation (STI); startups; and digital and green transformation.  Investors reacted swiftly to the word ‘distribution’ and the value of shares on the Tokyo Stock Exchange plunged by almost 7 percent.  Japan’s quest to reform capitalism and to create a more sustainable ‘growth model,’ and the ensuing tensions, have echoes in other economies, including the UK.

The conference brings together experts from Japan and in the Japanese economy, with non-Japan specialists to engage in a public conversation about reforming capitalism, and digital and green transformation.  It will be held over a day and a half – Friday 17 February and Saturday 18 February – at the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, free of charge and open to the public.  The conference is organized by the Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies with the support of the Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.