Oxford Latin American Graduate Seminar Series Michaelmas Term 2020. Week 6
Friday 20 November, 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Online Event
Graduate Seminar: Yvette Siegert, University of Oxford
“Cartagena de Indias and the Rhetoric of the Regeneración”
If you wish to join the seminars, please contact emilie.curryova@sant.ox.ac.uk and we will register you in our Teams platform or access the event directly click here to join
Yvette Siegert is reading for a D.Phil in Medieval and Modern Languages at Merton College, Oxford. Her Clarendon-funded research examines representations of Cartagena de Indias in various literary, visual, and political texts from post-Independence Colombia. She has also published several full-length translations, including poetry by Alejandra Pizarnik and Chantal Maillard, as well as Fernando Vallejo’s novel El desbarrancadero (The Precipice), forthcoming from New Directions.