Nissan Seminar: The Politics of Emotion and the ‘History Problem’ in Sino-Japanese Relations

Convener(s): Professor Roger Goodman, Professor Takehiko Kariya, and Dr. Natalia Doan

Speaker(s): Professor Todd Hall, Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford

These seminars will occur live and will not be recorded. Unauthorized recording is strictly prohibited.

Please click on the seminar title to register in advance and receive the meeting details.

The Politics of Emotion and the ‘History Problem’ in Sino-Japanese Relations


Harold Laswell’s characterization of politics as “who gets what, when, how” is applicable not only to divisions of material rewards, positions of power, or status goods, but also to emotions and feelings. This talk explores how the “history problem” between Japan and China has been shaped by contests over who is obligated to feel what, who is entitled to feel what, and whose feelings matter more. While not denying the importance of nationalism and historical memory, it will offer a new take on how political struggles over the history problem have been structured, highlighting the various ways actors party to the disputes have invoked political claims to or about emotions.

Speaker Information:

Todd Hall (Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford)

Additional Information:

Do you have a question you would like to ask the guest speaker? Please email questions at least three hours in advance to Dr Natalia Doan (natalia.doan at or during the webinar using the Q&A feature.

The Nissan Seminars will be live-streamed only, with no recorded version or slides shared after the event, so please be sure to register and attend the live seminar to avoid disappointment. Thank you for your interest in the Nissan Seminar series.