Conveners: Diego Sánchez Ancochea and Leigh Payne
Speaker: Caroline Moser (University of Manchester)
Caroline Moser is an urban social anthropologist/social policy specialist and Emeritus Professor at the University of Manchester, where until 2012 she was Professor of Urban Development and Director of the Global Urban Research Centre. Currently she is research advisor to Ford Foundation’s just cities strategy; senior advisor to Canadian CIDA’s urban conflict and violence reduction research programme, and Board of Trustees’ Chair of Children Change Children, a UK-based NGO supporting Colombian excluded youth-focused NGOs. Previously she was senior fellow at Brookings Institution, Washington D.C., and from 1990-2000 she was in the World Bank as Lead Specialist Social Development in the Latin American Department. Before she was lecturer at the London School of Economics, and at the Development Planning Unit, University College London. Her ongoing research relates to gender transformation and asset accumulation in global cities. Previously she has focused on gender planning; asset accumulation and poverty reduction; and has used participatory methodology with local researchers for research on urban violence and exclusion in Colombia, Guatemala, Jamaica, Chile and Kenya, on climate change asset adaptation in Kenya, Colombia and Honduras, and on a WIEGO informal economy project.
She received a PhD in social anthropology from Sussex University, a post-graduate diploma from Manchester University and a BA from Durham University. Publications of note include: Gender planning and development: Theory, practice and training, (1993); Ordinary families: Extraordinary lives: Assets and poverty reduction in Guayaquil, 1978-2004 (2009); (Co-Editor) Environment and Urbanization special issue ‘Conflict and violence in 21st century cities’, Vol. 26, No. 2 (2014); Gender, asset accumulation and just cities: Pathways to transformation (2015).