Convener: Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbó and Timo Schaefer, University of Oxford
Speakers: Roberto Breña, El Colegio de México, in conversation with Juan Luis Simal, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
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Roberto Breña is professor and researcher at El Colegio de México in Mexico City. His main academic interests regard liberalism in the Hispanic world, the independence movements in Spanish America, the Atlantic Revolutions, intellectual history and the historiography of the Age of Revolutions. He is the author of El primer liberalismo español y los procesos de emancipación de América, 1808-1824 (Colmex, 2006), El imperio de las circunstancias (Marcial Pons, 2012), Las revoluciones hispánicas y la historiografía contemporánea (Peter Lang, 2021) and Liberalismo e independencia en la Era de las revoluciones (Colmex, 2021). He has published more than 60 articles and chapters; two of the most recent articles are: “Revoluciones Hispánicas and Atlantic History: a Spanish Language Historiographical Interpretation and Bibliography”, in Age of Revolutions (, May 2021, and “Tensions and Challenges of Intellectual History in Latin America”, Contributions to the History of Concepts, n. 16 (1), 2021. He has been visiting professor in academic institutions in Canada, United States, Spain and France. Email:
Juan Luis Simal is Associate Professor of History at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). His research interests include the history of revolutions, political cultures and exile in Spain, Europe, and the Americas in the 19th century, and the history of international financial markets. He is the author of the books Emigrados. España y el exilio internacional, 1814-1834 (CEPC, 2012) and La era de las grandes revoluciones en Europa y América, 1763-1848 (Síntesis, 2020), and coeditor of Exils entre les deux mondes (Les Perséides, 2015) and of many articles. His book chapters include: “Letters from Spain. The 1820 Revolution and the Liberal International”, in M. Isabella and K. Zanou (eds.), Mediterranean Diasporas. Political Imagination and Circulation of Ideas in the Long Nineteenth Century (Bloomsbury, 2015) and “Exile, Secret Societies, and the Emergence of an International Democratic Culture”, in Joanna Innes and Mark Philp (eds.), Reimagining Democracy in the Mediterranean, 1780-1860 (OUP, 2018; co-written with Florencia Peyrou). Email: