IndOx Webinar: South Asian Philanthropy and the Arts
Thursday 26 November, 1:00pm to 2:00pm
Online via YouTube. Please register in advance at eventbrite:
Conveners: The India-Oxford Initiative
Speakers: Mallica Kumbera Landrus, Anders Peterson, Lekha Poddar, Robert Easton.
Welcome & introductions
Mallica Kumbera Landrus
Chair, The India-Oxford Initiative (IndOx)
Keeper of the Eastern Art Department
Ashmolean Museum
University of Oxford
5 minutes
South Asia: Art and Philanthropy Report 2020
Anders Peterson
Founder – ArtTactic
5 minutes (presentation)
Devi Art Foundation
Lekha Poddar
Founder - Devi Art Foundation
5 minutes (presentation)
(Chaired by Robert Easton)
Robert Easton
Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor Development and External Affairs University of Oxford
The webinar will be live-streamed on YouTube and we encourage you send in your questions via the YouTube chat box. Sign in via your google/gmail account to send in questions on YouTube. The livestream link is: